This is a Blog for friends to see at what we been up to

Thursday 27 September 2018

September Trip to Victoria

 Trip to Victoria September 2018

Friday 31st August
On the road early and after 5.5hr drive reached Lake Ratzcastle, setup for several days in our usual spot

Thursday 6th
Left Lake Ratzcastle and headed 173klms to Hynes Campground off the Henty Highway on the Rocklands Reservoir, arriving mid-morning only to catch up with people camping there we met 4 years ago last time we were here....yep!! 4 years ago...where did that time go?? Also they have added doors to the entry of the toilet block

Wednesday 12th
Left Hynes and headed north, got food and fuel from Warrackmabeal and headed to Jeparit CP...arriving here no one else here...staying 2 days hope to head to Lake Albacutya

Friday we left Jerparit and headed North 87klms to Hopetoun back of Lake in Free area (the weather turned and read caravans at LA wasn't such a good idea)
Set-up only an hour later to pack up due to remote controlled jet boat racing on lake...what a racket

Headed back south to Lake Ratzcastle 200klms away
Arrived there and set up for next 4 days

Tuesday 18th
packed up early (7am) and headed home to avoid wet weather only to get it over the border

Wednesday 13 June 2018

June 2018

Trip report
June 11th Monday

Day 1
Packed and left home 7am...met Allan on the 9mile road ...stopped and had a quick to Lake Ratzcastle..11:30am..things have changed...bunting rainwater tank near shower end
Only one other there..I picked a spot to set up..only to have wind pick up and start to decided to go to Black Cockatoo Bush Camp..arrived at 2pm...just started setting up and it rained...set up and organised ..time to start dinner..
Well got heatbeads starter going put pot water on...let it boil..dropped in crivac dinner package..let it heat...20mins later lifted lid only to see the pack had burst and all food now boiled in water..what a mess.
Drained what I could and put it in a bowl was very hot.
Finished and storm hit...thunder and lightning all night..was in my bed 6:45pm


Was hard to sleep with lightning every few mins...I was up at 7am. skip breakfast and have a coffee...bloody heatbeads wouldn't light so I gave up trying after 75mins.

Its now 9:30am...I've had enough...has not stopped raining and everything is wet....packed up in a hurry..gazebo frame in its just jammed into the car...11:30am and headed home.

Well what a horrid wet trip home...longest time to get home
4pm I got hour later I had unpacked the car and relaxed

Spent most of the day sorting gear out...drying things and putting them in their proper bags....still trying to dry out the tent...stuff I took out of the caravan is now back in

Would I do this trip again? Sure just don't let it rain  👹

Ps...actually the stretcher bed and self inflating mattress were quite comfortable
May 2018

First Trip for 2018

Friday 4th Day1
After nearly 3 weeks without a car....we got it back Wednesday...only to find Thursday there was a bang noise in back we had to unload it Friday morning (all ready packed to go away) and take it back to Adelaide, it had a rebuilt gearbox, and they forgot to put a exhaust bracket back on...all fixed we headed home reloaded and hitched up ..looked at clock 12pm..headed over to Victoria to Lake Ratzcastle arriving 5:30pm SA time......worst part of trip was guzzling fuel...had to top up at Coonalpyn before stopping at Tintinara to fuel up

Saturday Day2
Started day off by finishing setting up the caravan from last night late arrival

Sunday Day3
Rain and more rain......had to did a trench around the awning walls..flooding

Monday Day4
Rosie washed few clothing.....hung it on the line then moved it all over the place chasing what sun there was.........that late afternoon we had neighbors from WA directly across the track from us

Tuesday Day5
They left early ...all our meals were made on the webber........Rosie starting to get used to it now....we packed up everything not needed that night ready for an early start tomorrow....caught up with Steve today....cant believe its been 12 months since we been here......lot additions like many new picnic its donation to stay here now

Wednesday Day6 Towitta Trip
I personally hate being woken by sound of rowdy diesel up and packed and were leaving by 7:30am...Got fuel at Tintinara again,return trip..306klms using 82ltrs fuel...GRRRRR!!!.....even with fill tank it just got us to Towitta..we arrived early set up same as Lake Ratz...behind the shed....followed by Rob and Lindsay and his wife Jeannie.......that night we sat by Poddies plough disc fire pit..but was windy and cold
Thursday Day7
More arrived today

Friday Day8
Campoven cooking commenced today......though with heatbeads instead and under the verandah........Rick & Cindy arrived late today......My phone being playing up

Saturday Day9
More the same

Sunday Day10
Again same...lots food made over weekend
                                                                    Rosie's mini scones

                                                                    Rosie's sausage rolls
                                                                             Brian's biscuits

Monday Day11
All left bar Rick & Cindy and us......wind had stopped so we had a campfire going

Tuesday Day12 Headed off to Walker Flat
Had a look at Swan Reach but it was headed to Walker Flat....Hettner Landing...found a non-River view and set up ...left the River view for Rick & Cindy

Wednesday Day13
Rick took us both sight seeing to places they have camped before plus couple other places of interest (Shell Hill and Black Hill and Black Hill Rock)
                                                                                  Shell hill
                                                                                Black Hill
                                                                             Black Hill Rocks
                                                    Rick trying to sneak on board the Cruise

Thursday Day14
Rick & Cindy packed up and headed home.....we stayed on......but weather was rain yet

Some random pics of area

Friday Day15 Home bound
We packed up early......tried local shop to get fuel...but was none.....just got to Murray Bridge not much fuel left...(drove in the Exit didnt I)
Got home in time for late lunch

PS... took car back to Mitz......had work done and seems to be running better......will see next time we tow the van
PPS......I bought a new phone.....hope its blue tick......